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TREC is a network of scholars and research groups devoted to cognitive research on translation and interpreting. We aim to facilitate collaborations at methodological, technical, theoretical, and meta-theoretical levels. Our core goals are:


  1. to promote the exchange of knowledge about our target topics;

  2. to foster cooperation among researchers;

  3. to optimize the use of data collection and analysis tools; and

  4. to lay the foundations of future empirical research projects in the field.


TREC brings together over 80 researchers representing more than 40 universities from dozens of countries across Europe, Asia, Australia and the Americas.

TREC started as an initiative of the PACTE Group financed by the Spanish Ministry (MINECO) [Project title: “Red temática Investigación empírica y experimental en traducción" (EN: "Thematic network on empirical and experimental research in translation")]. Project reference: FFI2010-11995-E (1 September 2011 - 31 December 2013). Principal researcher: Amparo Hurtado Albir (PACTE, UAB).


Current TREC Management Committee: Jan-Louis Kruger (Chair, Macquarie University), Sixin Liao (Macquarie University), Christopher D. Mellinger (UNC Charlotte, Elisabet Tiselius (Stockholm University)

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